army commands (military formations) 뜻
- 육군사령부
- army: noun, 육군, 군대,
- commands (military formations): 사령부
- commands (military formations) by branch: 군종별 사령부
- commands (military formations) by country: 나라별 사령부
- commands (military formations) by type: 종류별 사령부
- commands (military formations) of germany: 독일의 사령부
- air defence commands (military formations): 방공사령부
- joint service commands (military formations): 합동사령부
- military units and formations of the british army: 영국 육군의 부대
- military units and formations of the union army: 북부연방의 부대 및 군조직
- military intelligence units and formations of the united states army: 미국 육군 군사정보대
- military logistics units and formations of the united states army: 미국 육군의 군수부대
- military units and formations of the british army by size: 영국 육군의 규모별 부대
- military units and formations of the confederate states army: 아메리카 연합국의 부대 및 군조직
- military units and formations of the imperial japanese army: 일본 제국 육군의 부대
기타 단어
- "army aviation units and formations" 뜻
- "army base" 뜻
- "army chiefs of staff" 뜻
- "army combat uniform" 뜻
- "army command (germany)" 뜻
- "army contracting command" 뜻
- "army corps" 뜻
- "army corps of italy in world war ii" 뜻
- "army corps of the bundeswehr" 뜻
- "army combat uniform" 뜻
- "army command (germany)" 뜻
- "army contracting command" 뜻
- "army corps" 뜻